Please send us Quest-related photos from your club

If you have a few select “feature” photos, please attach them to an email and send it to us.

If you have a larger quantity of photos, please make them available by uploading them to a cloud-based storage system like Dropbox, OneDrive, iCloud or similar, and sending us a link to where they are located.

Image format

If photos are to be included in the website itself, we need them to be in JPEG format, with individual images no larger than 500KB.

If they are stored on the web and accessed via a link, they still need to be in JPEG format, but the files can be larger.


If you wish to assert copyright over the images, can you please include a copyright notice in the file name, in the form “File-name-copr-Mary-Citizen”, or similar.

If you have any problems, please feel free to give us a ring.

Thank you for your contributions.

They will help us in our Quest!