
We cordially invite you to join the RS Quest Association Australia.

Membership Categories

Club Membership

Eligibility: For clubs with one (1) to three (3) RS Quest dinghies

Fees: $75 per annum

Club Membership - Eligible for Election to Association Committee

Eligibility: For clubs with four (4) or more RS Quest dinghies; who are willing to contest the Australian National Title RS Quest Three Crew Youth Series (Stonehaven Cup) each year; and are prepared to host the Stonehaven Cup by rotation or by committee approval

Fees: $75 per annum

Note that a club representative must be elected to the association committee.

The committee currently has a set maximum membership of 10.

Associate Membership - Senior

Eligibility: For those over 25 years

May participate in RSQAA-auspiced events

Fees: $75 per annum

Associate membership - Young Adult

Eligibility: For those over 18, and under 25, years

May participate in RSQAA-auspiced events

Fees: $50 per annum

Associate membership - Youth

Eligibility: For those under 18 years

May participate in RSQAA-auspiced events

Fees: $25 per annum

Please click on the form above, or contact our President or Secretary as below.

We would be happy to discuss your participation.

Paul Woodman                                                  Colin Burgess
President, RSQAA                                               Vice President, RSQAA
M: 0419 352 762                                                  P: 03 9592 3092