We cordially invite you to join the RS Quest Association Australia.
Membership Categories
Club Membership
Eligibility: For clubs with one (1) to three (3) RS Quest dinghies
Fees: $75 per annum
Club Membership - Eligible for Election to Association Committee
Eligibility: For clubs with four (4) or more RS Quest dinghies; who are willing to contest the Australian National Title RS Quest Three Crew Youth Series (Stonehaven Cup) each year; and are prepared to host the Stonehaven Cup by rotation or by committee approval
Fees: $75 per annum
Note that a club representative must be elected to the association committee.
The committee currently has a set maximum membership of 10.
Associate Membership - Senior
Eligibility: For those over 25 years
May participate in RSQAA-auspiced events
Fees: $75 per annum
Associate membership - Young Adult
Eligibility: For those over 18, and under 25, years
May participate in RSQAA-auspiced events
Fees: $50 per annum
Associate membership - Youth
Eligibility: For those under 18 years
May participate in RSQAA-auspiced events
Fees: $25 per annum
Please click on the form above, or contact our President or Secretary as below.
We would be happy to discuss your participation.